Resources and materials
- Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly Trained Runners
- Clinical relevance of whole body cryotherapy
- Changes in lipid profile in response to three different protocols of whole-body cryostimulation treatments
- Changes in blood pressure with compensatory heart rate decrease and in the level of aerobic capacity in response to repeated whole-body cryostimulation
- Application of thermovision for estimation of the optimal and safe parameters of the whole body cryotherapy
- Analgetische Wirkung einer Ganzkoerperkaeltetherapie -110ºC, 3 min
- Aplication of cryotherapy in treatment of patella-tight syndrome
- Analgetische wirkun von natürlichen schwefelbadern und kältekammerexpositionen bei fibromyalgie
- Acute effects of cryotherapy on postural control
- Actual temperature during and thermal response after whole-body-cryotherapy in Cryo-Cabin
- Cold-water immersion and other forms of cryotherapy. Physiological changes potentially affecting recovery from high-intensity exercise
- Cold chambers exposures in fibromyalgia syndromes
- Comparative study of the effect of three different forms of cryotherapy on skin temperature and skin blood flow in healthy persons
- Cryogenic Physical Therapy
- Cryostimulation as an antioxidative factor in sclerosis multiplex
- Cryotherapy procedure and its usefulness for athletes and general public (pilot study among visitors of cryocenter in Hradec Králové)
- Impact of 10 sessions of whole body cryostimulation on aerobic and anearobic capacity and on selected blood count parameters
- The influence of single whole body cryostimulation treatment on the dynamics and the level of maximal anaerobic power
- The whole body cryotherapy in sports injuries and sports related pain syndromes treatment
- Time-course of changes in inflammatory response after whole-body cryothetapy multi exposures following severe exercise
- What is the effectiveness of superficial thermal agents on reducing pain of older adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Whole-body cryostimulation. Potential beneficial treatment for improving antioxidant capacity in healthy men. Significance of the number of sessions
- Whole-body cryostimulation and oxidative stress in rowers. The preliminary results
- Whole-body cryostimulation as an effective method of reducing low-grade inflammation in obese men
- Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders
- Whole-body cryotherapy for recovery after plyometric exercise
- Whole-body cryotherapy for recovery after plyometric exercise_1
- Whole-body cryotherapy in atopic dermatitis
- Whole-body cryotherapy in inflamatory and non-inflamatory rheumatic deseases
- Whole Body Cryotherapy in Athletes
- Application of thermovision for estimation of the optimal and safe parameters of the whole body cryotherapy
- Five-Day Whole-Body Cryostimulation, Blood Inflammatory Markers, and Performance in High-Ranking Professional Tennis Players