Cryotherapy against rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis – is a chronic systemic autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the connective tissue, which primarily affects joints as erosive – destructive progressive polyarthritis. The disease affects 0,5 – 1% of population. There are about 58 millions people all over the world, which suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Beyond the meager quotation from the medical guide hide the sorrowful medical reports of many people. The actual way of life is characterized by deficient physical activity as well by a single-type movement while labor activity and it doesn’t leave any chance to keep the joints in a good condition. As a result is unjoyful rheumatoid arthritis, the disease that does not know the age-specific limits or ethnicity. It’s a disease, with that many leave and to say more precise, they go through it during the decades.

Persons afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis suffer from acute decrease of joints mobility. Patients lose the ability to perform customary movement, they suffer from pains and consciousness of their debility. If the disease wasn’t suppressed in time, the afflicted person can get into an invalid chair over fife years. And that’s not all. After the joints destruction the rheumatoid factor starts to affect the viscera. The complications can be the following: rheumatic heart, lungs, liver, kidney affection as well as vessels and bowels affection.

Medical books and Internet sources report with empathy that the scientists, unfortunately, haven’t invented yet magic pills, which treat the patients afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis promptly and permanently. However the treatment of the disease is possible and necessary…. At the same time there are talks about the up-to-date means against the rheumatoid arthritis, which slow down the progression of the disease, charm away the unpleasant symptoms and prevent the complications. Solvents charm away the inflammation, reduce the pain. Anti-rheumatics are used by the acute condition. It’s important to keep in mind, that all these medications must have been taken for a long time, may be even for the rest of life. Furthermore they often cause the adverse reactions, therefore they should be taken under physician’s control… So is the prospect…

Reporting that sad information, personnel prepare the patients for a long-term treatment or ever for a surgical operation. But for all that, it’s almost impossible to find any information about the alternative to palliative way of treatment, which exists for about 30 years…

Already 30 years ego, the physician from Japan Dr. T. Yamauchi used for treatment of the persons afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis a fundamentally new method – cryotherapy. If before the sore joints were warmed and protected, in Japanese clinic they were blown on with a cryogenic gas, which temperature was -1800C. Moreover started once to treat single joints, soon they made sure, that the cooling of the whole skin surface is more effective. The devices, where people were treated by cold were called cryosaunas. People in Russia got to know about the magic effect of the cryotherapy 25 years ago.  In  1998, first patients took pilot treatment in domestic cryosauna at the hospital Nr. 32 in Saint-Petersburg… In the anniversary year of the domestic cryotherapy, I remember the anxiety, which we had at the beginning, when we started with the first procedure of the cryotherapy. The reality exceeded all our expectations…Patients afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis, mainly seniors, got much better before our eyes… And that happened after 10-20 years of ineffective therapy! After the cryosauna procedure, patients got up from the wheelchairs and moved easily. And their condition was better after each procedure of treatment. I remember one patient (let it be patient B.) – the woman was at that time the chief of the society for people afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis. She got into a hospital Nr. 35 by a fluke and she returned to life just before our eyes. All seemed to be going well, and we thought that not only Japanese and the inhabitants of the West Europe, but also our inhabitants get finally get the long-expected help in the unequal fight against the insidious disease…But the method remained unclaimed by the rheumatologist. Cryotherapy is used today to treat almost everything: psoriasis, bronchial asthma, burns, fractures etc. And only in rheumatology, in the field for that the method was created, it still remains unclaimed. No one sauna of 200 domestic cryosaunas, that we have, got into specialized rheumatologic centers. Physiological, effective method remains neglected, and the patients hear that there is no appropriate therapy. While the efficiency of the method is proved by the results of treatment and furthermore it follows from the definition of the disease: If is a chronic systemic autoimmune disorder, then cryotherapy is one of the best methods against the immunity problems…Everything is so obviously, that there is no reason to argue. But the silence conspiracy goes on. I didn’t escape the common lot and also was afflicted with a rheumatoid arthritis. But I overcame the disease and didn’t become the hostage of it for the rest of my life… During 20 days I had the seances of cryosauna treatment twice a day. In addition to that I went in for sports: exercise bicycle and swimming and already 5 years I speak about the disease in past tense. I visit sometimes the cryosauna for prophylaxis and don’t take any tablets. The same I wish all of you…